Dog medallion

A Dog Medallion To Protect Your Pet

Do you have a "man's best friend" at home? Do you worry about what could happen to them when they are playing outside or out and exploring their areas? If that's the case, then look no further than a Dog Medallion for yourself and your loving pet! We are going to explain you more about this innovation, and how it can help your mental peace as a dog owner.

Pros of the Dog Medallion

Unlike the average pet jewelry, a dog medal is more than just some cute representation of your furry friend in metal; it can actually be attached to his/her collar. While standard ID tags will fall off your pooch, leaving them no way to be identified if they ever go missing- not so with the medallion. Beyond this, a generous amount of writing space on the medallion ensures you can include your dog's name as well as any repeating lines - such other details mentioned above => phone number and address. When your dog is lost, someone who discovers them should be able to contact you immediately so that they can return your best friend of!

Innovative Features

The dog medallion is unlike traditional ID tags because of its unique design and function. Because a medallion cannot be hooked onto anything, it is much better choice for dogs that "ruffhouse" and run around than regular tags are (which can easily caught on objects). It also comes in different sizes such that it can fit any breed or size of dog perfectly.

Why choose King Gifts Dog medallion?

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