custom masonic pins

Hello friends! are you a A Mason who likes to wear pins and buttons displaying your love for the craft, as well as great souvenir of your travels down this masonic journey? Try These Ideas For Making Your Special Masonic Pins Today, we are going to give you a reason why creating your own custom pins might be something worth considering and Oxytech PINZ will also share some innovative pin ideas that you can DIY.

Masonry is a fraternity that binds men to build themselves and their world better. The path of every Mason in the Craft is different as we are each individual. But there are symbols that all of us recognize and which represent our common beliefs and values. Creating your very own pin that reflects the path you took was a truly special and would mean so much to me!

Symbolic pins that embody your unique journey in masonry

Symbols are a crucial element for masons. They may consist of the square and compass, or a letter G (representing the ''Great Architect of the Universe''), or perhaps even be shaped like a trowel used in masonry. Consider what symbol holds the most value to you, or even which part of your journey is deemed pivotal. Photo pins based on what you stand for and value!

Surely, not every mason considers it necessary to make a lapel pin full of depth and symbolism. Or some people tweak the distance here and there to set that pin just right expressing their style! You know something you love and enjoy, whether it be an animal you adore, a hobby that has become your passion or even followinf the sports team of your choice. While you still are proud to be a part of the masonry community, party because it is a personal interest that belongs within in this- another example would once again come back to those Boy Scouts patches.

Why choose King Gifts custom masonic pins?

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